Our group’s efforts revolve around Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12), which focuses on responsible consumption and production. Our initiatives align with this goal by addressing key aspects of waste reduction, sustainable food production, and consumer awareness.
Firstly, our feature section emphasizes the importance of reducing waste generation through recycling and reuse, highlighting accelerated waste recycling policies in the UK and innovative product design modifications by companies. By showcasing these initiatives, we aim to inspire similar efforts and emphasize the significance of public involvement in waste management.
Secondly, our “Food for the Future” social media campaign promotes sustainable food production and consumption patterns. Through strategies like reducing food waste, promoting circular economy principles, and supporting sustainable agriculture, we strive to contribute to SDG12’s objectives of fostering responsible consumption and production practices.
Lastly, our interview video illustrates diverse attitudes and behaviors towards sustainable consumption and production among individuals of different ages and backgrounds. This highlights the importance of tailoring initiatives to diverse audiences and underscores the relevance of SDG12 in addressing varying societal perspectives on sustainability.
Overall, our group’s artifacts collectively showcase our commitment to advancing SDG12 by addressing waste reduction, promoting sustainable food practices, and raising awareness about responsible consumption and production.
